Mother nature was on our side for Ed & Judy's wedding. The day started out at Judy's parents house for a traditional tea ceremony and was followed by a photo session at The Miller Lash House. The setting provide opportunities for some great shots and the enthusiasm of the bridal party was obvious. The ceremony was held at a gorgeous home in Scarborough and the sun was shining the whole time! Afterwards it was off to Ed's mothers house for a 2nd tea ceremony with his family when the skies opened up and it rained- but we were all inside! Later in the afternoon, the weather cleared up and it was time for the reception. Dinner was held at a restaurant in Richmond Hill for a 12 course authentic Chinese feast where guests were invited to play games with the bridal party and enjoy an evening that capped off a day of fun where Ed & Judy tied the knot after their 9 year courtship. It was a fantastic experience and one that I will never forget.
Photography -
DJ -Brian Medeiros from
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